Vess L. Ossman

Ragtime Pickings - Vess Ossman - Rob Mackillop - Gut-strung Banjo

The Colored Major - Vess L. Ossman

'When Mr Shakespeare Comes to Town' and 'Go Way Back and Sit Down' (Vess L. Ossman)


Good Scout--One Step and Universal Fox Trot by Vess L. Ossman on Banjo, 1916

'Universal Fox Trot' Vess L. Ossman on banjo (1915) Victor 17952

The Buffalo Rag

'Drowsy Dempsey' - Vess L. Ossman (1908 Aretino)

Sunflower Dance

Vess Ossman banjo - Down South 1904.MP3

BUFFALO RAG, Vess L. Ossman levytti banjosoolona pianon säestyksellä 26.1.1906

Vess L. Ossman , “Florida Rag”, Columbia A224, about April 1907

Old Folks At Home - Vess Ossman

Creole Belles (Vess L. Ossman)

Vess L. Ossman 'Creole Belle' or 'Creole Belles' ragtime banjo music by J. Bodewalt Lampe, early rag

Gayest Manhattan (Vess L. Ossman)

Vess L.Ossman DIXIE GIRL

'Beneath A Balcony' - Vess Ossman's Banjo Orchestra (1917 Edison)

SOUSA: The Stars and Stripes Forever (Vess Ossman, banjo-Recorded in ca 1896) *Remastered in Stereo*

Sunflower Dance 'Vess.L.Ossman'

Hoop-e-kack -- Vess L. Ossman (1909)

'Razzle Dazzle' Vess L. Ossman on Edison Gold Moulded Record 8618 (1903)

Vess Ossman The Man Behind The Gun

The L A W march, 1901, Ossman, Vess L. -- Composer; Ossman, Vess L. - Banjo; Genre: Popular music